Matt & Family would like you to know about Deb the Executive Chef at our Lake Limerick Community Club House. Deb has been another great supporter for Matt, she too is going through cancer treatment. They both are doing well and are a great support for each other. Matt really looks up to Deb because he too wants to be a Chef someday. Deb and Matt plan to go to the Culinary Arts School in Seattle soon to watch the young Chefs work and eat there food.
One Valentines Day the Club house was all decorated nice for the occasion. They had a special table for us because it was Matt's Re-Birthday, that is when you are 1 year post transplant and we celebrate his new rebirth. I guess he gets 2 birthday presents now since he has 2 birthdays.:) They had balloons for Matt and Nicole and Deb made Matt a special chocolate cheese cake just for him to share. We are happy to be involved in such a great community. Love Lynn & Matt
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