Sunday, April 27, 2008

This Picture Say's It All!

Well, on Friday April 25th Matt and Mom bent the rules a bit and drove home for the night. Matt was able to be at our house in Bonney Lake for 24 hours, (the first time in 4 months). Matt sure was glad to see his blue heeler Sydney. Both Matt and Mom didn't sleep very good because we were so afraid of being so far from a hospital that can care for him in case of an emergency. We are glad we did it and are back in Seattle now. Tomorrow is day 75 and all is well with still going home by day 100. We hope things go as planned.

Mom and Nicole went to the fund raiser for Matt at Bonney Lake High Saturday for a while. It was good to see all the support. If we missed anyone it's because I had to get Matt back to Seattle before his 8:00 Med's were due. I'm sorry if we missed any one, but we were glad to see the people we did. Thanks to all!!! Matt and Family

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ok so you need glasses to read the article....

Today is day 70 in Matt's treatment. He is doing pretty good, with minimal side effects. The scope he had done came back good and his GVHD is getting ALOT better. The team is weening him off some of the med's this week. Matt had round #2 of 4 chemo treatments yesterday. He is having lots of back pain but at least we didn't get readmitted to the hospital like the past LP'S. He is going to the Fred Hutch School to get caught up on home work.
There is a Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raiser and Auction at Bonney Lake High this Sat. the 26th from 6-9 pm. Michael Wheeler is putting it on for a senior project and in support of Matt who has been with the scouts for some time now. We are very proud of Michael in what he is doing and all the hard work it took to put an event like this one on. Matt won't be able to attend but either Steve or Lynn will be there with Matt's sister Nicole. Hope to see ya there. The Yantzers

Big fund raiser Saturday April 26th

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 15th 2008

Matt is doing pretty good and the doctors are trying to fine tune his medications. Last week they tried to ween Matt off of some of the meds and he started to show signs of GVHD again.... Sooooo off to surgery today to make sure that all is well with Matt. The test thats done by a camera showed that Matt has a pollup, lots of acid reflux and a ulcer in his stomach. We should have the results by tomorrow.

Now for the fun stuff!! Ted Nugent sent Matt a autographed picture, 2 guitar picks and lots of bumper stickers. One of them I'm putting on our Jeep, it reads Ted Nugent for President. Wouldn't that be a gas!! Hope all of you have a Happy Tax Day!! Matt & Lynn

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Matthew Has The Greatest Dad In The World!

Well we are out of the Hospital and Matthew is doing GREAT!! The Team just had to adjust a few Medications. Today is Sunday April 6th and we have early appointments tomorrow and the 1st of 4 spinal Chemos on Tuesday. Matt still has to be on IV fluids for 8 hours a day, but we hope that will end sometime this week.
Now about Steve being the Greatest Dad!!! We know that Steve knows alot of people but last week when Matt was re-admitted we got a phone call from the one and only TED NUGENT!! He left a message on our phone at our apartment and we listened to it when we got home. We saved the recording to share with his friends. Terrible Ted said that he would call back because we missed him and He did!!! Matt got to talk to Ted Nugent for about 10 minutes. They talked about Hunting, Matt's interests and his music. Ted also said that he would be in the area bear hunting next month and that he would like to see Matt. What a cool opportunity for Matt. I don't know how Matt dad pulled that one off but it really made Matt feel special, What a Great dad Steve is!! We hope that everyone out there is doing good and enjoying the much needed sunshine. Talk to you all soon, Matt and Lynn

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Are We In Or Are We Out?

Well Today is April 1st and we are Day 47 Post. Matt was discharged on Sunday from Children's Hospital. Yeah!!! Our first appointment was with SCCA Monday morning at 7:45, we ended up being at SCCA till 4:00 Monday then a quick trip back to Children's Hospital by ambulance. No Joke! Not a April Fools Prank. Yes we are back at the hospital. Matt was feeling poorly at SCCA and his blood pressure went down to 77/46. The team tryed to stabilize it but couldn't so here we are. They since have taken Matt off all his blood pressure Meds and he seems to be doing better. He also has been tested for another infection results still pending.
To tell you all again how susceptible Matt is to infection, The team came in today to tell us that Matt is still in ISO which means isolation. The reason this time is that he is showing positive cultures for influenza. Now Matt is showing NO signs of the flu but it is still in his body, so now he needs to wear gloves, gown and a mask every wear even on out patient visits. This virus is air born and immune supressed patients don't have ANY IMMUNITIES to fight off anything for 1 whole year! Matt could have picked it up in a elevator on his way to xray or anything. Matt will have to be really closely watched when we get out of here that we don't expose him to anything!!! Every ones honesty on there health will be greatly appreciated on the outside because we would hate to be sent back to the hospital for something that could be so easily avoided.
Hopefully we will get all this blood pressure and infection problems straightened out this week so we can get out of here again soon. Other than this little blip Matt is doing really quite well, and is taking all of his Med's and off all pain Med's. The transplant is working well and Matt is getting stronger everyday! Thanks for all the support everyone has given. You all have great and Matt see's that there are people out there that are really good and that do really care. God bless you all!! The Yantzers