WOW! that's all we have to say. Seattle is so on top of everything, of course these are the best of the best doctors in the nation! Monday started with 7 hours of appointments back to back. Tuesday we had xrays and the bone marrow and skin biopsies. Tuesday night we were admitted to children's for a growth hormone study. Boy that was fun they took a blood draw from Matt every 20 minutes for 12 hours straight. Matt's blood pressure dropped to 56 over 34 so it took a little extra time to get released. Wednesday we saw the eye doctors, dentist. Thursday was a day of rest. Then Friday the 13Th we had our consult with the team. Not all the tests are back yet but everything looks good, with the exception of Matt now having a 4Th compression fracture in his back. That's T7-T8-T10 & T12. No more snow sledding for him. When we get the good news that he is cancer free we will post that. See you soon exhausted Matt & Lynn
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