Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Surrounded By Love

Matt & Family would like you to know about Deb the Executive Chef at our Lake Limerick Community Club House. Deb has been another great supporter for Matt, she too is going through cancer treatment. They both are doing well and are a great support for each other. Matt really looks up to Deb because he too wants to be a Chef someday. Deb and Matt plan to go to the Culinary Arts School in Seattle soon to watch the young Chefs work and eat there food.
One Valentines Day the Club house was all decorated nice for the occasion. They had a special table for us because it was Matt's Re-Birthday, that is when you are 1 year post transplant and we celebrate his new rebirth. I guess he gets 2 birthday presents now since he has 2 birthdays.:) They had balloons for Matt and Nicole and Deb made Matt a special chocolate cheese cake just for him to share. We are happy to be involved in such a great community. Love Lynn & Matt
Monday, February 23, 2009

Long time friend Bailey was one of the first to hear the news. Matt is Cancer Free. SCCA called us to tell about the great news last Friday. Their is one set back though, Matt wont be able to ride his dirt bike for a while because he now has 4 compression fractures in his back. There have been many people that were of Great support for Matt through his journey but even though Matt didn't email Bailey back he did enjoy reading her daily journal. Matt had several friends that called and tried to talk to him, some days he would talk and some he didn't feel well enough. Matt is thankful of the good friends that he has that stood by him through the good days and the bad days. They say things happen for a reason, well I can tell you that all of this has brought our family and friends closer together. We have more patience and understanding for other peoples feelings and needs.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Reflection on Seattle Childrens Hospital

One thing I would like to add, when Matt and I stayed in the hospital last Tuesday it was great seeing all the doctors and nurses (male and female) coming up to Matt and giving him big hugs and the smiles on their faces just made the room glow! You could just see how delighted they all were to see Matt in such good health. They were very happy as we were to see them under good circumstances. That makes their day complete.
On the other hand Matt & I were their so long that it felt weired walking down the halls. I kept looking for someone that maybe I new back then. We got to know alot of people. Some were lucky some not. I still think and follow their postings hoping they are doing OK. We have a special place in our hearts for everyone we new and our lives will never be the same. We will never take things for granted and truly live each day to the fullest. You never will now when the rug will get pulled out from under you, so live each day thankful. Love Lynn
1 week trip to SCCA

WOW! that's all we have to say. Seattle is so on top of everything, of course these are the best of the best doctors in the nation! Monday started with 7 hours of appointments back to back. Tuesday we had xrays and the bone marrow and skin biopsies. Tuesday night we were admitted to children's for a growth hormone study. Boy that was fun they took a blood draw from Matt every 20 minutes for 12 hours straight. Matt's blood pressure dropped to 56 over 34 so it took a little extra time to get released. Wednesday we saw the eye doctors, dentist. Thursday was a day of rest. Then Friday the 13Th we had our consult with the team. Not all the tests are back yet but everything looks good, with the exception of Matt now having a 4Th compression fracture in his back. That's T7-T8-T10 & T12. No more snow sledding for him. When we get the good news that he is cancer free we will post that. See you soon exhausted Matt & Lynn
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Big 1 Year Post Trip To Seattle

Well the first day was grueling, 9 appointments back to back that took 7 hours with out a break! We had some fun after those appointments, yes we did. I'll update with more info when I catch my breath. We are spending the night at Children's for a growth hormone test. I'll have more info tomorrow when I can maybe rest. We should get home for the first night home by 6pm Wednesday. enjoy the pictures. Love Lynn & Matt
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