Well today is June 9th, 2008. You wouldn't know it though by looking outside. Matt & I feel cursed, since we have been home the weather has let's say been undesirable at the least. When we were locked up in our apartment it was sunny and nice. All in all we are VERY glad to be home and together as a family again. We have had a very bumpy road since we have returned. Let's start out with, we were home for 3 hours and Mom rushed Matt to ER at Mary Bridge with a Temp. We were admitted right away and Matt tested positive for Rotavirus. We suspect he had this in Seattle but it wasn't caught in time. We spent 3day's in the hospital. Then we were home for 4 day's when Matt's symptoms came back and Mom rushed him back in, to find out that he has C-Diff. That's when you have been on so many antibiotics for so many things that it kills off all the good bacteria in your body. So to fix that he is on another antibiotic, go figure. We just take each day one step at a time, that's all we can do. Matt is wearing down as is Mom too. I hope the weather changes soon so we can get out a bit.
I would like to take a moment and pray for Hunter Tank's family who had his services today in Richland, Wa. Hunter lost his battle about a week ago. He was a fighter too and We were glad to have met his family while we were in Seattle. Matt was very sad to here about Hunter, we were following his posting while we were on the out patient basis. We just wanted to see him out of the hospital and where we were on the out patient side of the treatment. It scared Matt to read about Hunter, but he really wanted Hunter to make it. We will alway's have a place in our hearts for Hunter and his family especially his Mom Shannon.
Matt had a great teacher in Seattle from the Fred Hutch School that helped keep him on track with school. We now have a even better tutor helping Matt so he can get caught up for next year. Mom plan's to get back in her buss #78 come this fall. I really miss the kid's. We will be updating this blog as soon as possible as our adventure has not ended yet. You all take care and thank you for all your support. The Yantzers
Lynn&Matt, We had read about Hunter in our paper just the other day, so sorry to hear he had lost his battle with cancer. It must had been an honor to know him. Sorry to hear of your ongoing problems, hopefully all will continue to improve, We are al praying for you Matt, you are such a strong young man!! Take Care...Karen
It seems never ending at times doesn't it!! Keep your chins up.
I check the blog alot to see how things are going. I'm glad you're at home and sun is on the way so enjoy it! Hope you get a nice calm long stretch!! Liz
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