Well, on Friday April 25th Matt and Mom bent the rules a bit and drove home for the night. Matt was able to be at our house in Bonney Lake for 24 hours, (the first time in 4 months). Matt sure was glad to see his blue heeler Sydney. Both Matt and Mom didn't sleep very good because we were so afraid of being so far from a hospital that can care for him in case of an emergency. We are glad we did it and are back in Seattle now. Tomorrow is day 75 and all is well with still going home by day 100. We hope things go as planned.
Mom and Nicole went to the fund raiser for Matt at Bonney Lake High Saturday for a while. It was good to see all the support. If we missed anyone it's because I had to get Matt back to Seattle before his 8:00 Med's were due. I'm sorry if we missed any one, but we were glad to see the people we did. Thanks to all!!! Matt and Family
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