Matt is doing pretty good and the doctors are trying to fine tune his medications. Last week they tried to ween Matt off of some of the meds and he started to show signs of GVHD again.... Sooooo off to surgery today to make sure that all is well with Matt. The test thats done by a camera showed that Matt has a pollup, lots of acid reflux and a ulcer in his stomach. We should have the results by tomorrow.
Now for the fun stuff!! Ted Nugent sent Matt a autographed picture, 2 guitar picks and lots of bumper stickers. One of them I'm putting on our Jeep, it reads Ted Nugent for President. Wouldn't that be a gas!! Hope all of you have a Happy Tax Day!! Matt & Lynn
Hi Matt,
We love the picture! What fun to have Ted Neugent calling you and sending you stuff. Hopefully, you will get to met him. We hope you continue to improve and keep your chin up! Love & hugs, Aunt Laurie, Uncle Sparky, Shelby & Eric
Hi Matt,
The Neugent! That's cool! Your Dad really went all out. We really miss all of you at Troop meeting. We have four new Boy Scouts, We could use your fire starting demonstration. The Blog is great, so keep up the good work. Keep the progress going and hope to see you soon.
Big hugs to all of you guys,
Scott and Curt
I hope you know that with the beard,
you have a preview of what you are going to look like when you get older!
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