Well we have been patently been waiting for Matt's count to come in and on day 17 they did. His first anc was 190 and today his anc's were in the 1500's that's great! His white blood count is 2.6, Normal is 4.5-13.5 so he has a ways to go yet. He isn't producing any red blood cells yet but that's normal.
The doctors have been watching Matt very close for signs of GVHD. Matt has had a few fevers and other signs of GVHD this last week. All was looking very promising till last night when Matt started showing lots of symptoms of GVHD. Today at 2:00 Matt will be undergoing a biopsy of his stomach and other areas to see if he dose in fact have GVHD. They are somewhat certain that he dose have it so they are planning to start treatment today to help slow it down.
Maybe we should have another blood drive. Matt has needed 12 units of blood and 18 units of platelets since diagnosis. Matt will need more transfusions in the coming days be cause his body isn't producing on its own yet.
Matt has brought smiles to a lot of people here. He has made his own club, its called the banana club. You have to be special to be in the club ( in isolation ).I think he looks better in PINK don't you. Love to all Lynn and Matt
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