January 15th Matthew and Nicole went to Seattle for 2 weeks of extensive testing at SCCA, Children's Hospital and UofW Hospital. Nicole just got lots of blood drawn and that's about it. Matt has a little more testing to see if he is strong enough to withstand the transplant. They check out all his organs and take lots of blood. One day we had 10 different appointments with 10 different people, wow that was hard. They are adjusting his medicines to get him ready. Matt is on 12 different meds every day. On the 25th Dr. Hickman will be putting his double looman Hickman line in his chest and taking his PICC line out. Because of the RSV going on up here they will admit Matt to Children's hospital on the 29th witch is his 1st day of radiation. Matt will get radiation twice a day for 4 days, then 2 rounds of really strong chemo, then 1 day off for good behavior. Finally on the 5th of February Nicole will give her bone marrow to Matt. Nicole should be able to go home the same day with about 1 week to recover. Matt will be in Children's hospital for approx 30 days so they can closely watch him to see if it is a success. If all is going well he will be discharged on an out patient basis for approx 90 days. Matt will have to see the Doctors daily to watch his progress. During that time we have rented a 3 bedroom Duplex in Seattle. It's really quite nice but very small. Our duplex is one of several in the area that are rented out just to Cancer patients, it's very clean. The Doctors say that Matt wont be able to go back to school till 1 year after transplant. We are lucky to have a very nice tutor that Matt likes. A big thank you to everyone 's help through out this prosess. Matt is staying possitive (that's the only way to be he say's). Keep in touch he really enjoy's the comments and e-mails. Thanks again the Yantzer Family
Hi Matt...
I don't know if you remember me but I've known you since you were a baby and even took care of you for awhile. I'm Dan's wife and Michelle and Rachel's mom. I think the last time I saw you was at Sears and then we saw you on New Year's Eve a few years back at your house. It was really a fun evening.
I just wanted you to know that Dan, myself, Michelle and Rachel all think about you and that you're in our prayers for a speedy recovery.
Keep up the positive attitude!
Dan, Janice, Michelle and Rachel Martin
Hey Matt,
You sure have ben through alot. Keep the good attitude. We miss you at Troop 595, but we will be doing things again soon. Curt , Cody, Kim and I are all thinking of you and praying for you and your family.
What an adventure! May you all get the best of the best in every scenrio.
I'm not sure if you have noticed yet Matt, but you are giving everyone in your family lovely gifts thru all this. You are!
Chin up and continue onward with the work. Liz {candy bag lady}
Hey Matt,
It was good to see you yesterday! You looked great. I know you are looking forward to getting the transplant over and being on the road to recovery. Hang in there and hope to see you soon. Love & hugs, Aunt Laurie & the fam
Dear Yantzer Family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers.
The Mills Family
(Sean, Stacey, Dylan, and Kaylie)
Hi Matt,
What a great attitude you have!! I think that that's part of your battle to keep your spirits up and you're doing fabulously. Hope all goes according to schedule for you and hurry up and come home!!
Kay Waylan Garrett and Payton
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