We have had alot of strange weather this summer haven't we. Matt is doing good these days, he spends his time getting caught up in school with a wonderful tutor Sumner School District has provided for us. I talked with his high school team to see what our options are for 9th grade. We found out to keep him on track he will need 4 of the 7 credits in 9th grade. We are going to keep him out of school probably the entire year because of his immune system, and needing to get all of his baby shots again next February. Now back to the school issue, It's my understanding that school is supposed to be FREE to students, and a high school education shouldn't cost money. But when you have a child that is going through CANCER and can't attend school for medical reasons it dose. They want 120.00 per 1/2 credit to do his schooling on line from BYU. Now what's wrong with that! I think we are going to be writing some letters to Olympia. We are a little behind on pictures of Matt, we will post more soon. Take Care to All. Lynn & Matt
Hi Matt, you don't know me but I knew your mom when I lived in Seattle 18 years ago. My name is John Stine and I now live outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I have read your blog and have to say you are 1 trooper. When I get back to Seattle I will look you up. Here is my email address so you can write and have your mom send me a note for it would be great to catch up.
Hi Matt&family, such great news to hear you are doing so well!! Lynn will be planning on meeting with you on weekend of 20th, so excited to tell Matt MOM Stories!! HEE-HEE!! Take Care...Karen
Hi Matt & Lynn,
Glad to hear that you are doing so good! Caden is taking a BYU course also to try to catch up credit. He is doing well and won't be able to go back to school until 2nd semester, January 2009. We miss seeing you all but I know you, as I know we are, so glad to be home! Take care!
Debbie & Caden Money
Hi Lynn,
I read your post with regard to paying for Matthew to do on-line school. I have a friend at work who's son uses this program and she said it is absolutely free and that they will even send you a laptop. Something about every child having 20K a year for education. I can get you in touch with her if you are interested but here is the website. If you would like to call me my cell number is 253-686-1576.
I hope that Matthew is feeling better....I know all the kids are looking forward to having him back.
Thoughts and Prayers,
Stacey Mills
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