Thursday, February 28, 2008

Post Transplant & Battle to Get Better

Well it's been a waiting game for the last 2 weeks, but Matt is still staying positive and is trying his best to get better. Matt had 4 rounds of Chemo post transplant on day's 1,3,6 & 11 to help him NOT get GVHD. Between the Chemo & Radiation Matt developed lots of mouth and throat sores, and really bad mucoussidous. That was probably the worst week Matt has had so far, as he couldn't talk or eat and barely swallow. The Pain team meet with us at least once daily to make sure he was as comfortable as possible.
Matt has had to have 6 bags of Platlets and 4 bags of Blood since the 14th. Matt's body isn't producing it's own yet so he needs a little help. Did you all know that Matt now is O POSITIVE instead of A. WEIRD! Nicole is O and gave it to Matt.
Matt had to have xrays to check out his organs and chest because he wasn't breathing to good. He was almost sent to ICU. They said that he wasn't breathing on the lower part of either lung. The Doctors were on top of that and he is doing much better now but still needs oxygen to help him breath.
There are lot's of test's that they do after Transplant to watch for GVHD. Matt is showing some sign's of GVHD but they arn't sure yet if it will go away on it's own. They did a Cat Scan on him to make sure that his organs were o.k. and everything looked good except a possible problem with his colon.I went with him for the test and was able to be in the booth were they shoot the Cat Scan. They thought I was a nurse imagine that ( ha-ha ). Parents arnt allowed in there, so I was lucky!
A couple of night's ago Matt gave us a bad scare. At about 12:30 p.m. he fell and I couldn't stop his fall. We were all worried that he had pulled out his Hickman Line or broke an ankle. The Team he rushed him off to xray to check him out. After all that we got back to our room and settled about 4:00 a.m., of course I couldn't sleep and was up again at 6:00a.m.. Matt is a tough Boy he's O.K. nothing broke thank goodness.
Matt has been running a fever for the last few days. The team has been doing cultures to see if it was GVHD or an Infection. Today they told me that he has a Bacterial Infection one of his Hickman lines. They have him on antibiotics to clear it up.
NOW THE GOOD NEW"S! Matt started getting his counts yesterday. His anc's were 190, and his white blood count is slowly coming back. It's terrible timing to have a infection when your trying to produce white blood cells but we are confident that Matt is on the road to recovery.
Matt takes short walks and loves reading his email on his computer. He says Hi to all. Take Care To All. LYNN


Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn, it's Karen. Just back from Mexico so checked Matt's blog to find this new update today. Matt has gone thru so much, He sounds really strong, much like you when we were younger and still today. He surely has a wonderful Mom and family.I know you are really busy with all that is happening. Will try to call just to say hi. All my best, Karen

Anonymous said...

Just a hug to all. It's so hard. HUG!!!