I wanted to post a picture of me and my new Laptop that so many of you donated for. So many of you gave that it would be hard to list each and every person because I wouldn't what to miss a single person. I wish I could fully describe how much this means to me and the freedom it has already allowed for me to gain. I can go on line and explore, shop, update my blog, talk with people on G-mail and of course do my homework. It makes me smile when I think of how nice you all were in granting me this very special gift that I really, really like and use all the time.
Next Tuesday, December 11th, two Puget Sound Blood Mobile's are going to be at Mountain View Middle School (my middle school) for a large blood donation drive. This was all arranged by Dyanne Jewett-Borst who has told us that over sixty eight people are already signed up to give blood in my name. I am planning on spending about an hour there 9:50am to 10:50am to say hi and thank you to to people who are giving blood. I have also heard that the newspaper is going to be there to do a follow up story to the one last week that showed my sister and me. I makes me proud to see that so many families will be helped by the blood drive. I know the importance of what this has already done for me and knowing that what every gives will help so many, many people.
My mom, dad and I have a meeting next Wednesday to Fred Hutch to talk about the next step in my transplant. I'm excited about seeing a new place and meeting the doctors and nurses who well be taking care of me at Fred Hutch. Nicole is also excited about being able to help and is a little scared of what they are going to do to her but says it's the best Christmas present ever.
I thank everyone again for the computer and know that this means so much to me, I look forward to saying thank you to every person in person once I'll well enough.
Matthew Yantzer.
Hi Matt,
We all missed you today at the Yantzer Christmas party. Hope you enjoyed reading the messages from everyone on the poster. Hope to see you soon. Love & hugs, The Beier's
Hi Matt,
This is Aaron and Kelsey's adopted mom. The candy bag lady!
I just wanted to tell you that I think you did a fantastic job in your effort trying to tahnk everyone that helped with you laptop. You covered all areas and covered all points!
I also wanted to personally wish you the best of the best in all the aspects of this travel that you are on.
Huge hugs to you parents and lil sis.
If you have no clue who I am ask you Aunmt Lori. Take the best of care, Liz
Matt, You are very welcome for the donation for your laptop. We were more than happy to do it for such a brave young man. I'm sure everyone who gave feels the same way. Hang tough and we are happy that you enjoy it so much !
The Martin's Dan, Janice, Michelle and Rachel
mr. matt,
it's wonderfull to see you looking so good. you are welcome on the lap-top donation. the pictures are great allthough your dad sure looks like uncle fester! it's great news to here that niki is a perfect match and i hope to hear good news from the huch. you are truly a wonderful young man and we are proud of you and your family.we are blessed to have you guys as friends. lot's of love the ainley's
hey matt,
its Taylor Rick and Nadlae's naibore i heard that u got really sick and just wanted to say hope u get well soon and hope to see u at fort ebey when summer comes around and hopes your transplant goes well my perants send there prays love and supourt
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