Sunday, November 18, 2007

Rocks and Clots!

The past week of my treatment has been kind of a pain the the... well Arm and kidney's! Monday I had severe right arm pain that ended up being a blood clot that was the result of my PIC line and one of my Chemo treatments. This put my back in the hospital and during my five star visit I also found out what real pain is, when a Kidney stone formed in my left kidney! ouch!!!

Mom stayed with me all weed and when dad arrived for the weekend they sent me home late Friday night. The amount of medicine I'm having to take is really obnoxious and most of them taste really bad. The doctors have been really cool and the nurses are nice and do every thing they can to make sure there no pain in my treatment.

It's good to be home but mom makes me stay right on track with the nasty tasting pills while dad makes me drink water every time he's sees that I'm not. The water helps dissolve the stones with the help of two medications that I'm taking but I'm looking forward making this go away.

Please be patient on my blog postings while I work through this phase of treatment. I'm hoping also to hear this week on the testing from by sister, mom and dad for the marrow transplant that I will be facing over the next few months.

I'll continue to keep everyone up to date on how I feel and I appreciate your kind gift and well wishes that I see every day. It helps to keep me sane and occupied during my time at home during the times I can't see anybody.

Until next time,


1 comment:

Mike said...

Hey Matt,

Sorry to hear about your kidney stone. Ouch is right! I hope you liked the books that I dropped off for you. He's a really good author. We miss you at school and scouts. All of us scouts will make sure that you reach your Eagle. We are praying for you and your family. Take care and keep up the good fight.

Mike Snyder