Message Posted by Steve & Lynn...
We found out this morning that Matthews sister Nicole was a perfect match for Matt's bone marrow transplant and will be his donor. This is really good news and we should hear over the next week the time line on when Matthew will start the bone marrow procedure. We were all looking forward to some positive news and this is it! Nicole is excited about being able to help out her brother and is more than looking forward to the adventure of the procedure.
The pictures above represent Thanksgiving morning when Matt decided that I really needed to fulfil my promise of letting him shave my head. A great time was had by all with the only casualty being what was left of my hair..
Over the past few days I've grown quite accustom to the bald look and enjoy the fact that my comb hasn't been touched in a week! Please send your posts as to your rating from a scale of 1 -10 (10 being Bruce Willis like) so I can decide if this will become a permanent fixture around the Yantzer household.
More to follow as we learn more about time lines on our pending trip to Fred Hutch.