If you have found my blog page I probably have your e-mail adress. don't wory tell everyone who wants to know about my blog page. please e-mail me often this is the only way you can reach me. I will reply very often. I don't have anything better to do.
Hey Matt, I like your hunting picture. It was fun playing XBOX with you at the hospital. See you soon. Jon
Matt, I think you blog is great, and now you can keep in touch with everyone!
Wassupp Matt. Im srry i coudldn;t come this weekend but i went to a birthday party, went go-karting and i got last place every time lol. Looking forward to seeing you, and nice blog.
It was great getting to see you and know what a positive attitude you have. Tell those nurses that you need some real food. We will see to it that you do soon! Stay strong. Love, Aunt Laurie
Hey Matthew...What a great blog! Let me know when you are up for a visitor or two...Shannon and I would like to come see you soon...you are a special boy and your positive attitude and great sense of humor is sure to help you get through this challenging time in your life....tell us what we can do to make your days in the hospital go by a little faster. We will see you soon. Sherri & Dan & Shannon & Stephanie
Oh, I changed the settings on your blog for you so that anyone can post. I discovered that last night. You can also turn off the word verification if your commenters are too annoyed with it. But I'd just let them be annoyed.
hey matt.
i like your blog.
i cant wait to visit you soon.
just stay strong and think positive.
you are such a cool kid!
i will talk to you later!
Hey Matt, When you get better you can show me how to make your bread recipe. Someday you can open a bakery or become a famous chef bigger than Emiril. BAM! You have great family support and you also have a lot of Bus Drivers, that care about you and your family. We have you in our thoughts everyday. Hang in there. Laurie Walker
Matt- how you doin buddy? Just want you to know that a lot of people are thinking about you right now. Jonah and several of the neighbor kids want to come and see you as soon as you are able. Keep a positive attitude and keep that big smile I remember on your face at all times. Oh ya, nice picture. See you soon, Keith
hey matt... its jonah. i was supposed to come visit you in the hospital, but you were too sick. i hope you get better, me and my friends really miss you.
Hi Matt,
This is Mrs. R. LOVE your blog page! (I have to be honest, this blog stuff is really new to me!)
What a great way to keep in touch. I be "blogging" you soon. Take care buddy.
Love Mrs. R. :)
There's a lot of talk about angels these days and about all the things people say they can do. It's not always easy to know what to believe, but it certainly would be nice to have a few angels in our lives. I picture them as being near us day and night and especially whenever life seems trying and difficult. I like to think that angels are taking special care of you right now, and I hope you can feel their gentle presence day by day....just as I hope you feel the nearness of all the loving thoughts of those of us who care so much about you and your family. We will come visit you soon! Sending Hugs from Sherri, Dan, Shannon & Stephanie
hey this is Jordan again i just wanted to say hi and hope that u get better. so what r u learnin from the teacher lady u guys hired cuz if its easier than what i have to learn then i'll hire them to cuz math sucks. ttyl
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