We have been trying to figure out for the past few weeks why Matt has been throwing up so much and losing so much weight. The Team in Seattle looked over the last few weeks and we are going to try to 1. Take Matt Off the Gleevac (pH chemo drug). & 2. do some testing to see if he is adrenal deficient. They have another ph chemo they can give but don't want to because if he relapses they will need it to fight the Leukemia. Even though Nicole shows no sign of the ph chromosome that doesn't mean she doesn't have it. Comforting thought isn't it, but no one is 100% anything. This may be a quick turnaround or it may be lots of testing.
Matt doses have signs of GVHD on his skin, but the Team Say's it's not bad enough to treat yet.
We are hopeful that Seattle SCCA can straighten this out, and send us on our merry way again soon.