Well today we woke up and it was day 119 post transplant. Matt had alot of pain in his lower right side radiating to his back and he couldn't move. I called the doctors right away because it reminded me of the 2 rounds of Kidney Stones he had last November and December. They told me to give him some pain Med's and call a ambulance and get him to Mary Bridge ER right away. MOM"S don't ever hesitate in calling 911, our ride was free. When we got there they did lots of tests and an ultrasound to look for a Kidney Stone. They couldn't find one. Our doctor was convinced that there was still a problem and sent Matt for to get a CT scan. There it was sitting in his right Kidney trying to get out. It was 2-3 mm and almost to the tube were he can pass it out. Matt says it feels like a football on fire. We were at the ER for 7 hours before they admitted us, they are very busy but took good care of us. Matt has his own suite upstairs now on the 6th floor, he will be in the hospital for a few days. They plan lots of tests today, and meetings with other Doctors. We will post more of this never ending rollercoster ride later. Take care everyone and enjoy the Sunshine!!! Matt & Lynn